Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Program: To print Fibonacci series

Wap to print Fibonacci series

Program:To print the table of number in c++

To print the table of a number

Program: Multiplication of Matrices

Multiplication of 3x3 matrices

Program: To illustrate call by reference [swap two numbers]

Swap the numbers using call by reference

Program:To calculate sum of digits of a three digit number

Program:To check if a character is vowel or not (using if-else Statement)

Program: To find greatest Of Three Using nested If-else Statement


Program:To Check number is even


Program: To check if the entered character is vowel or not(using switch case)

Program:To check if a number is palindrome or not

Program: To print a character in its opposite case in c++

To print a character in its opposite case in c++

Program:To check if a string is a palindrome or not

TO check if a string is a palindrome or not

Program: To copy a string into another

Copy string in c++

Program:To add two 3x3 matrices

CODE:To add two 3x3 matrix

Program: To calculate average of 3 numbers using function in c++

Calculate average of numbers using function